Mar 26, 2009

Ning in education

Ning is a great social networking site that can be used in education to facilitate learning and communication between teachers, learners, parents, and the whole world. I've created a short video introduction of what Ning is and and some of its basic features that might be useful in an educational setting. It is very easy to use and the interface can be set in many different languages. Classes can use the site to post comments, audio, video, and pictures. In addition, forums and discussion groups can be easily set up. Ning is really an all-in-one design. Teachers could use it in-lieu of a webpage or blog. Anyway, take a look and hopefully you will like it as much as I do.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. David, I thought that Ning was helpful web 2.0 tool for teaching,too. The social network provided a user-friendly interface, and it could be insert videos, photos, audio and texts(html) into the posts conveniently.

  3. David您好:
